Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rest For the Ballerina

Rest is a vital part of staying fit.  It sounds strange, I know.  But when muscles are used excessively they become too tired to work properly, causing you to either stop making progress or start to backslide.  I think that might be what's happening to me.
In my book, Conditioning For Dance, the author, Eric Franklin, suggests a full two- to three-week break, two or three times a year.  The body makes good use of this time by recuperating. 
I don't think I've taken a break for that length of time since I started ballet again.  I had short periods of rest here and there, mostly from minor injuries.  I think they usually lasted from about half a week to one week.  Once the spring semester of school ended I dove right into my newer, more rigorous training schedule. 
When I got sunburned a few weeks ago I didn't dance, but I don't think it was an adequate break.  It didn't last long enough, plus my body was working to heal the damage from the sun.  I came back feeling strong, but that didn't last.  Last Friday, Saturday, and Monday were bad days.  I felt like I had to drag myself through my routine, and I was a sloppy mess.  My body was trying to tell me something.  Right now just sitting here typing this, I can feel fatigue in my muscles.
Today I've decided to take two week break from ballet.  I can already predict the worries I'll have about losing what I've gained.  But it seems that If I don't lay off for a little while that's exactly what'll happen.  I'll try to enjoy it and keep busy doing other things.  I hope this will be what I need to stop this downward spiral. 

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