Saturday, April 23, 2011

I Have a Confession....

I've been accused of being a bread fanatic by my younger sister.  I might as well admit to my problem.  I can't resist the texture, the taste, the smell.  Everything about it is heaven.  
I also enjoy baking.  The relaxation of being in the kitchen, looking out to the backyard and seeing the bunnies and birds that reside out there, and playing piano music from my ipod offers a bliss that's hard to beat.
There is a slight problem though, and this problem is sugar.  When people think of baking they think of cupcakes, cookies, and cakes galore.  All full of sugar.  I can't have this pesky ingredient for various reasons.  One I'm a ballet dancer, and eating right keeps me doing my best in the studio.  Sugar tends to make me feel lethargic, so its pretty much off limits.  I still bake, but some joy is taken out of it when I smell the aroma of the delicious concoction in the oven, floating through the house.  I can't take a bite when everyone else will  get to taste my work. It may sound like I'm bitter but I'm not.  I like knowing I can make people happy with what I make.  I only wish I could try some.  But forget about having one bite.  Sweets are my potato chips, once I start I can't stop.  Its best to just let my taste buds wonder.
My mom suggested I try baking bread.  I could have the baking experience and get the reward at the end.  I thought it was a great idea. 
It's also healthier to make your own bread, and everyone that knows me is aware of my constant strive to eat well.  I was under the impression that as long as I had whole grain bread from the store I was doing all right.  I wasn't falling for the trap of multi-grain, or whole wheat, which so many people think is okay.  I was one step ahead of their game, they couldn't outsmart me with misleading labels.  But today my mom informed me that there is high fructose corn syrup in the ingredient list on some of the whole grain breads!  I was disappointed when I heard that.  It's just another good reason to make my own bread. 
I'm starting out by making a French Baguette for my family's Easter celebration tomorrow.  I will post how it turned out and how I accomplished making what will hopefully be a very tasty baguette. 

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